16 Oct 2018

An allergy is a bodily reaction to any foreign body called an allergen. The immune system, our body's defense system, reacts when stimulated by different allergens.
Many things can cause this reaction, which varies according to the person and can be repeated several times in the same person in different ways.
The allergic reaction can range from mild redness, coughing, itching, to difficulty breathing and in severe cases anaphylactic shock.
The allergy can be food, cutaneous, respiratory ... generally allergic manifestations are discreet and benign, but anaphylactic shock can be fatal.
People with allergies should follow preventative restrictions and take many precautions, possibly if the manifestations persist or worsen, immediate medical consultation imposes.
What allergies affect the baby?
Babies too can have allergies, for this reason it is better to know the allergic manifestations to understand their mechanisms, take the necessary protective measures and remedy quickly as a baby’s body is fragile.
Food allergies
The first allergy discovery can be through breast milk, which contains food consumed by the mother, of which the baby may be allergic.
The manifestations of a food allergy can be skin reactions: redness of the skin, itching, hives, respiratory symptoms: coughing, wheezing or intestinal signs such as diarrhea, vomiting or blood in the stool.
Infant feeding can be controlled by parents, so doctors recommend introducing baby foods with food to monitor this type of allergy.
The most common food allergies are allergies to eggs, dairy products, nuts and peanuts.
Babies are usually affected by atopic eczema. It is a cutaneous manifestation in the form of small red bumps on dry and scaly skin located on the forehead, on the nose, on the scalp and sometimes more extended on the body.
This reaction is caused by the presence of chemicals in soaps, and scented lotions. A cream with corticoids applied to the affected areas makes eczema disappear.
If the case worsens with blisters and infection, it is imperative to consult your doctor.
When the body of the baby comes into contact with an allergen it causes a histamine reaction: urticaria.
Urticaria is manifested by itching, spots of different sizes and shapes on the skin. Any worsening of these manifestations or an association with incessant crying or fever, involves an emergency consultation of your attending physician.
How to cure baby's allergies?
To avoid allergic reactions, move away from any triggers such as, milk, egg, pollen, dust, mites, chemicals ... it is the cure in the majority of the cases.
In some more serious cases, treatment with histamines, corticosteroids or desensitization prevents the complications of allergies that may persist.
Note that baby's allergies generally disappear with age.