21 Nov 2018
Excess weight or the unsightly accumulation of fat in certain areas of the body that withstand diets and sports activities are deep, localized and hard. This is called storage fat.
To obtain a harmonious silhouette, more and more people are using liposuction which is also called liposculpture.

What is liposuction?
Liposuction is a surgical procedure that involves sucking out excess fat cells. It is a technique invented in France in 1977 by Dr. Yves Gérard Illouz. Very practiced in the world, today, it ranks 2nd in cosmetic surgery after breast enhancement surgery.
It is a non-traumatic procedure, which involves the introduction of small cannulae (3 to 4 mm) with rounded edges, connected by a suction system that sucks out all the accumulated fat.
Indications and Goals
Liposuction is indicated in cases of localized fat overload that is resistant to dieting and sports. In men, we mention the belly, the love handles (folds on the sides of the belly), the abdomen, the back, the chest, the neck and in the case of gynecomastia (breast augmentation in men) . In women, this usually involves the belly, thighs, heavy hips, buttocks, lap, calves, arms, and double chin.
Liposuction is recommended after 18 years (end of growth) and before 60 years (a better result is obtained thanks to the elasticity of the skin).
The goal of liposuction is to find a harmonious silhouette without excess fat and its result is definitive if the patient follows a healthy lifestyle (eat healthy, play sports, avoids alcohol and cigarettes).
Procedure of the intervention
The intervention lasts between 20 and 120 mn depending on the case. It can be done on an outpatient basis or under 24-hour hospitalization, this is decided by the plastic surgeon according to the amount of fat to be sucked. A first consultation is used to discuss the intervention and a second is mandatory after 15 days of reflection, consultations during which the surgeon studies the areas to be treated and the objectives of the patient. Like any surgical procedure, liposuction is preceded by an operative assessment and a pre-anesthesia consultation with a course of action to be taken before the procedure.
The postoperative course
The recovery time prescribed by the plastic surgeon is proportional to the amount of fat removed. It varies from 7 to 10 days, with painkillers and anticoagulants and attenuation of the first month. The edema disappear after 2 to 3 weeks.
Benefits of liposuction
The final result is obtained after 6 months, the time that the skin retracts and blends with the new silhouette. The fat cells or adipocytes aspirated are not renewed which gives the liposuction a definitive result.