21 Nov 2018
Rhinoplasty is an operation to change the size or shape of the nose.
The nose is the predominant organ of the face, remarkable from all angles, that one can neither disguise nor hide if its dimensions are disproportionate and unsightly.

Why use rhinoplasty?
Plasty of the nose is aesthetic but it can be due to functional problems. Rhinoplasty or rhinosis in this case is suggested by doctors to solve the problems of respiratory problems caused by a nasal obstruction.
Rhinoplasty gives an aesthetic and psychological dimension to a complex nose. It engages self-confidence and well-being.
Rhinoplasty, at what age?
Plastic surgeons recommend that rhinoplasty be done at the end of bone and cartilaginous growth, around the age of 18, but it can be done before with parental consent when the nose poses a real psychological problem for the adolescent.
There is no upper age limit for rhinoplasty, on the contrary, with the years the nasal cartilage is weakened and loses its elasticity, and correction of the nose may be necessary.
Consultation for rhinoplasty, how often?
Nose correction is an aesthetic surgery that affects the size and shape of the nose. It aims to reduce or increase the size of the nostrils, remove the hump from the nose, straighten the nasal bridge or remake or may involve the remodeling of the form.
The consultation for rhinoplasty is essential with time for reflection. The patient and his cosmetic surgeon must be in perfect agreement. The expectations of the first must coincide with the expected results following the intervention of the surgeon. Morphological simulations are performed in the plastic surgeon's office beforehand.
What types of surgical procedures are performed?
The intervention is performed by a specialized plastic surgeon under local or general anesthesia. It lasts between 1 and 2 hours and requires a hospital stay of 24 hours.
Two types of surgeries are performed according to the case:
open rhinoplasty, it allows better handling of cartilage, the entire shape of the nose can be remodeled and the stitches are usually camouflaged in the folds of the nostrils.
What is medical rhinoplasty?
Although surgical rhinoplasty remains the reference, some small defects of the nose can be corrected by simple injections of hyaluronic acid in the nose or to fade post-surgical imperfections.
Convalescence: How long do you have to wait?
Convalescence is 1 to 2 weeks. Two tampons are placed in the nostrils to prevent bleeding which forces the patient to breathe through the mouth. Drains, depending on the nature of the surgery can be placed for 7 days. After 3 weeks, the swelling begins to disappear, post-surgical conduct is to be held by the patient and the final result is visible after a few months.